

Su Yun's Chinese Learning Center provides after-school care for elementary school-aged children who have an interest in learning Mandarin while having fun! We believe this can be accomplished through progressive and project-based learning, utilizing STEM-related activities but with the Chinese language in support.

Kids are naturally curious so driving questions form the basis of our teachings. Students will rotate through stations that are specially designed to provide them with the tools to provoke thought, be inspired, and promote creativity.

Our curriculum is unique in that we blend science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (aka STEM) with Mandarin immersion.  We want to raise cultural awareness, whilst expanding their knowledge of subjects that are instrumental to their future success.

Prior language experience is not required. Our program is geared towards students in grades K through 5.

素云中文学习中心是一家为有兴趣学习普通话的小朋友创办的中文下午班! 我们以普通话贯穿基于项目和 STEM活动的学习过程,让孩子们在快乐的气氛中学习中文。

孩子们天性好奇,因此让孩子们提出问题成为我们的教学方向。 学生们将通过参加各个专门设计的活动项目,启发思维,激发灵感,提高创造力。

我们的课程独一无二,融合了科学,技术,工程和数学(又名STEM)和普通话沉浸式课程。 我们希望提升对中国文化的了解,扩大知识面,为孩子们将来的成功打下基础。


Pickup Service

We are centrally located at 850-A Talbot Avenue at Solano Avenue, just a short walk from Cornell, Marin and Oceanview Elementary Schools.  Pickup service, if offered at your school, is provided at no extra charge. For the 2024-2025 school year, we will be providing pickup service from Cornell and Marin Elementary Schools.

我们位于Solano的Talbot 850-A,距Cornell,Marin和Oceanview都很近。

Monthly tuition is based on a number of factors, such as:

  • school pickup time or arrival time at the Center

  • number of days enrolled

Please contact us with your after-school needs so that we can provide you with more exact pricing.


  • 学校接送时间或到达afterschool时间

  • 注册天数



We will be open from 1:30pm to 6pm during the school year.  Since we follow the Albany Unified School District calendar, our after-school program runs from Wednesday, August 14th, 2024 to Wednesday, June 4th, 2025.  We will be closed during major holidays and AUSD breaks.  Our summer program begins immediately after the academic year ends.

周一至周五,下午 1:30pm-6:00pm。



Operating Hours

Our daily activities consist of snack time, homework time, outdoor playtime, language instruction by level, STEM projects where language, culture and heritage will be reinforced, and choice time.


Daily Schedule

If you are interested in being notified about possible openings in our 2025-2026 afterschool program, please complete this interest form:



Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions or if you would like to find out more about enrollment.